My biggest accomplishment this year was the completion of two seminary courses: the New Testament and the Old Testament. I have been longing to study God's words deeper. These courses pushed me to learn the historical background and environment. I found that the Holy Bible is very interesting and intriguing. However.....I did not learn all what I should, because I did not have enough time and energy. These past six months have been very challenging to my body, mind and soul. I wanted to learn more, read more, yet my body told me to rest more.....
So much for that. Two things (at least) that I learned from these courses:
- The New Testament: I was amazed by how Jesus Christ, who lived just 33 years on earth, affected His followers. Decades after he died, people were still talking about him, and his words are life-changing. Many even died for him under the pressure of the Roman government. Can you think of anyone who died decades ago, whose words are still affecting your life?
- The Old Testament: I am very much reminded by the life of King Solomon. God bless people with wealth. Yet, as a king, Deuteronomy 17:17 reminded me that he should not possess a lot of silver and gold. Too much possession will lead a king away from God. Think simplicity and minimalism.
Two earthquakes took place this year. The minor one was at HCCMGC. The only staff left for school. God prepared an excellent temporary director for us. The past four months were reverted from frustrations to blessings.
The major earthquake was at work. My office moved, and only 3 people survived the earthquake. It was pretty miserable. I took much more responsibilities and it took me a while to handle the new tasks along with my normal tasks. God gave me enough to survive each day. Thanks also to the 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day, and 4.5 miles of run per week.
(Sometimes, I don't know why people trust me in handling something. I think this is not a question of trust. It is a question of whether there is a choice. )
Highlight of this year was my trip to DC. I fell in love with those paintings at the National Gallery! Will show later.....just wait. Happy New Year!