I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23: 4)
I never thought of the difference between a rod and a staff, but now I have learned. A rod is a weapon that the shepherd uses to defend and protect the sheep.

(this funny looking weapon is a shepherd's rod)
A staff is like a cane, used for guiding the sheep to the correct path.
With God's protection and guidance, how could we not be comforted? Praise the Lord!
I googled "shepherd rod" and found your comments about the rod. Isn't that a crazy insight? God opened my eyes to that last year for the purpose of a performance painting. If you email me (benhubbardart@gmail.com) I can send you the illustration that He inspired me with. In 1 Samuel 17 David describes his job as a shepherd, how he rescued a lamb from the lion and then killed the lion, and it popped out to me that we are like the lamb taken away by the lion, utterly helpless in the jaws of sin, taken away from the flock, and we need our shepherd to deliver and free us and He does and He kills that lion with a shepherd's rod, a piece of wood and nails, and takes us into the flock!
Blessings.- verly until now, i Gian Hilkiah the lowest of the servants of YAHWEH through Yahshua Mashiach, have receive understanding of the true meaning of this powefull words. Watching your wonderful photografs only asking, seeking, knocking at the roots of hebrew we will recibe ha ruach ha kodesh ( holy spirit );Yeshayah 11:2 ruaj of wisdom and understanding, ruaj counsel and might, the ruaj of knowledge and of the fear of YAHWEH. Halelu "YAH", toda rabba ( many thanks ) to you brother.
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